Placental accreta with bladder involvement in height
placenta accreta, maternal mortality, multidisciplinary managementAbstract
Introduction: Placental accreta is a complex obstetric complication. According to the degree of depth, it is classified into placenta accreta, increta and percreta, the latter being a rare presentation.
Objective: To report the surgical clinical evolution of a patient with a diagnosis of placental accreta (placenta percreta) with bladder involvement.
Clinical case report: A 28-year-old second-pregnant patient, with a history of a previous cesarean section approximately 4 years ago, was admitted to an outpatient clinic due to a probable placental accreta with bladder invasion performed in the third trimester which was suggestive in ultrasound study. She was hospitalized for better study and treatment and she underwent surgery by a multidisciplinary team. A modified cesarean section-hysterectomy, with partial bladder resection and hypogastric ligation, with a short stay in the Intensive Care Unit and hospitalization without subsequent urological complications.
Conclusions: Early detection allows adequate preoperative planning with a specialized multidisciplinary team, considering the early participation of the urologist in decision-making.
Keywords: placenta accreta; maternal mortality; multidisciplinary management.
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