Platelet lysate in the treatment of chronic anal fissure and other indications


  • Eddiamny Blanco Amaro Hospital General docente Comandante Pinares
  • Anadely Gámez Pérez Hospital General docente Comandante Pinares
  • jorge Luis Falcon Díaz Hospital General docente Comandante Pinares


allogeneic platelet lysate, chronic anal fissure, regenerative medicine.


Introduction: The application of allogeneic platelet lysate in the treatment of chronic anal fissure is one of the most novel and exciting topics within biomedical sciences today.

Objective: To summarize the advances and perspectives of the use of allogeneic platelet lysate in anal fissure.

Methods: The search strategy included information in different databases such as the internet and the academic google search engine, 42 bibliographies selected for the review were used, 35 published in the last five years as original review articles, monographs and other scientific documents specialized in the subject. The present article was prepared on the basis of the search.

Development: Allusion is made to the conceptualization of the disease and the therapeutic pillars, the use of allogeneic platelet lysate is sustained; the achievements reached with its application in the General Teaching Hospital "Comandante Pinaresˮ of San Cristóbal municipality in Artemisa province in the specialty; as well as to the potential of such promising field in the present century.

Conclusions: Allogeneic platelet lysate in the treatment of chronic anal fissure constituted a new modality of treatment of the disease.




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Author Biographies

Eddiamny Blanco Amaro, Hospital General docente Comandante Pinares

Espec.I y II Grado en coloproctologia.Profesor asistente

Anadely Gámez Pérez, Hospital General docente Comandante Pinares

Especialista de I y II Grado en hematologia.Doctora en Ciencias.Profesora e investigadora titular

jorge Luis Falcon Díaz, Hospital General docente Comandante Pinares

Especialista de I y II Grado en Cirugia,Profesor asistente



How to Cite

Blanco Amaro E, Gámez Pérez A, Falcon Díaz jorge L. Platelet lysate in the treatment of chronic anal fissure and other indications. Rev Cubana Med [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];61(4). Available from:



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