Two case series on the same fallacy


  • Miguel Angel Blanco Aspiazu Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Finlay Albarrán"


diagnostico, síndrome, Cuba, Estados Unidos, enfermedad psicógena, mareos, cefalea


Introduction: In order to justify the diplomatic decision of the United States, two scientific articles were published in medical journals that attempt to support the idea that, in Havana, there was an attack aimed at US embassy personnel.

Objective: To prove the lack of scientific consistency in two investigations of non-independent case series on the health symptoms of United States diplomats in Havana.

Method: A documentary analysis of two publications of case series is carried out. Diagnostic hypotheses are evaluated.

Results: There is wide overlap between the two series in terms of shared patients and in contrast there are some differences in the clinical data that exceed what was expected.

Conclusions: In both publications the semiographic wealth of symptoms and psychosocial information are wasted. More emphasis is placed on arguments associated with the fetishism of technology expressed in the interpretation of nonspecific findings. The analysis of clinical data allowed us to see that it is a heterogeneous group of people whose health complaints have been brought together by the interaction of other contextual psychosocial factors.


Keywords: diagnosis; clinical, research; politics; technology.


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Author Biography

Miguel Angel Blanco Aspiazu, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Finlay Albarrán"

Profesor Títular, Doctor en Ciencias Médicas.



How to Cite

Blanco Aspiazu MA. Two case series on the same fallacy. Rev Cubana Med [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];60(2). Available from:



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