Evaluation of hepatic fibrogenesis in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis treated with cuban oral red propolis
Esteatohepatitis no alcohólica, propóleos, propóleos rojo cubano, nash score, elastografía hepática o fibroscanAbstract
Introduction: Nonalcoholic fat deposition disease is a pandemic in the contemporary world. Its silent spectrum goes through stages of chronicity and it can reach liver cirrhosis and on this a hepatic carcinoma could develop. There are no treatments and medical handling can act on only risk factors.
Objective: To evaluate cytohepatoprotective and antifibrotic effect of oral Cuban red propolis in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was carried out in selected patients from the Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Internal Medicine consultations at Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical Surgical Hospital from April 2017 to April 2018. The study universe was 120 patients with imaging diagnosis of fatty liver. The sample consisted of 70 patients with fatty liver diagnosis, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Frequency and percentage analysis for the demographic variables were the statistical tests applied. The T test for the related samples evaluated the enzymatic behavior at the beginning and at the end of the treatment and the elastographic changes were analyzed using Kappa and percentage tests. Results: The biochemical variables studied showed statistically significant decrease at the end of the treatment, which evidenced the effectiveness of the treatment. 91.4% of the patients progressed to a lower degree of fibrosis. Cuban red propolis proved to be a therapeutic drug with cytohepathoprotective and antifibrotic action.
Keywords: nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; propolis; Cuban red propolis; nash score; liver elastography or fibroscan.
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