Most Consumer Services: Ten-Year Study


  • Elena López González López González Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares
  • Anadely Gámez Pérez Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares
  • Celia de los Ángeles Rodríguez Orta Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares
  • Hanoi Mijares Medina Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares
  • Bárbara Dayana López González Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares
  • Francisco González Cordero Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares


transfusion, hemotherapy, hospital service, blood consumption.


Introduction: Blood transfusion is a replacement therapy for blood or one of its components, depending on the recipient's requirements.

Objective: To describe the most consumed services for ten years.

Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective observational study was carried out in Comandante Pinares Blood Bank at General Teaching Hospital from 2010 to 2020 through the documentary analysis method. The five services with the highest percentages of transfusions were chosen. The percentage calculation, the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation were used, as well as the Student's t test and a significance level of 5% (p < 0.05).

Results: In 2010 and 2011, the highest percentage of transfusions were recorded at the internal medicine and surgery wards. From that year on, it was identified that oncohematology was the service that transfused the most, followed by surgery and internal medicine (with no differences between them), adult intensive care unit and orthopedics, correspondingly. The trend was to decrease the number of transfusions in all services.

Conclusions: By being able to describe the services that consume most transfusions with a tendency to decrease over the years, it was possible to carry out other investigations in which the risk factors which influence the transfusion incidence were studied. Also it allows to include the reason for the reservation of blood in the variables for preparing those blood request schemes, as recommended by the World Health Organization, in addition to monitoring, evaluating and verifying compliance with the proposal.


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Author Biographies

Elena López González López González, Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares

Licen biología.Master en enfermedades infecciosas .Profesora e investigadora auxiliar

Anadely Gámez Pérez, Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares

Doctora en Ciencias médicas :Master en enfermedades infecciosas.Profesora e investigadora titular.Espec.I y II Grado en Hematología

Celia de los Ángeles Rodríguez Orta, Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares

Especialista I y II Grado en MGI,Profesora e investigadora auxiliar.Master en enfermedades infecciosas

Hanoi Mijares Medina, Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares

Profesor asistente e investigador agregado.Espec.I y II Grado en Hematología

Bárbara Dayana López González, Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares

Lic en bioanalisis clínico

Francisco González Cordero, Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares

Lic en fisica.Profesor Principal metodologia de la investigación.Investigador agregado.Profesor Auxiliar



How to Cite

López González ELG, Gámez Pérez A, Rodríguez Orta C de los Ángeles, Mijares Medina H, López González BD, González Cordero F. Most Consumer Services: Ten-Year Study. Rev Cubana Med [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];63. Available from:



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