Enterogenic cyst and renal agenesis in adulthood


  • Caridad Chao Pereira Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras
  • Brandon Arrieta Lafont Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras
  • Julio Martínez Figueroa Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras


Duplicación intestinal, quistes enterogénicos, masa pélvica, agenesia renal.


Introduction: Enterogenic cysts are malformations produced during the period of differentiation and embryological development of the primitive intestine.Objective: To report an rare digestive malformation in adulthood.Clinical case report: A 58-year-old patient came for abdominal pain and increased volume in the hypogastrium. On physical examination, a 15-cm diameter mass was palpated in the hypogastrium. Simple and contrast computerized axial tomography showed a tumor mass in the hypodense pelvic excavation with a density of 18 HU, a thick wall of 2 cm, which was enhanced with contrast and right renal agenesis. The anatomo-pathological study reports an enterogenic cyst.Discussion: The symptoms of intestinal duplications are nonspecific, recurrent abdominal pain and the presence of an abdominal mass are frequent. The preoperative diagnosis of intestinal duplications is occasional, it depends on the availability of imaging studies and clinical suspicion. The association of enterogenic cyst and renal agenesis is uncommon.Conclusion: A male patient is reported, with a pelvic mass of doubtful etiology and right renal agenesis, in whom an enterogenic cyst was diagnosed. The association of enterogenic cyst and renal agenesis is a rare malformation in adults.


Keywords: intestinal duplication; enterogenic cysts; pelvic mass; renal agenesis.


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Author Biographies

Caridad Chao Pereira, Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras

doctora en ciencias, especialista 2do grado en MI

Brandon Arrieta Lafont, Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras

residente 2do año medicina interna

Julio Martínez Figueroa, Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras

especialista en Medicina interna, honduras



How to Cite

Chao Pereira C, Arrieta Lafont B, Martínez Figueroa J. Enterogenic cyst and renal agenesis in adulthood. Rev Cubana Med [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];60(3). Available from: https://revmedicina.sld.cu/index.php/med/article/view/2505



Case Reports