Effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in hypertensive emergency



Medicina Natural y Tradicional, Acupuntura, Urgencia Hipertensiva.


Introduction: Hypertension constitutes a health problem, both worldwide and in Cuba, due to the complications and implications it has on the morbidity of the population over 15 years of age. More and better health care does not consist only in the practice of expensive treatments, but above all in educating the population in health, in the use of natural resources, as well as in the use of techniques and the search for less invasive therapies and without side effects.

Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in hypertensive emergency.

Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out at Fray Benito Community Clinic, Rafael Freyre municipality, from January 2019 to May 2020. The universe was made up of all the patients who attended the emergency room of said polyclinic, referred from their family doctor's office with emergency hypertensive diagnosis. The study sample was chosen randomly with those patients with a hypertensive emergency diagnosis, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The main variables used were age, sex, treatment results, presence of adverse reactions or not.

Conclusions: The effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in hypertensive emergencies was demonstrated at Fray Benito Community Clinic.


Keywords: natural and traditional medicine; acupuncture; hypertensive urgency.


Author Biographies

Alina María Pérez Pérez, Policlínico Fray Benito

Especialista en primer grado en Medicina General Integral
Master en Longevidad Satisfactoria. Profesor Instructor.

Leyra Maday Aguilar Penas, Policlínico Fray Benito. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín

Doctora en Medicina Residente en Medicina General Integral

Frank Javier Batista Pupo, Policlínico Fray Benito

Residente de primer año en Medicina General Integral.

Félix Alberto Montero Pérez., Policlínico Fray Benito

Residente de primer año en Medicina General Integral.

Jorge Luis Rosabal Maldonado, Policlínico Fray Benito

Especialista en primer grado en Medicina General Integral



How to Cite

Pérez Pérez AM, Aguilar Penas LM, Batista Pupo FJ, Montero Pérez. FA, Rosabal Maldonado JL. Effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in hypertensive emergency. Rev Cubana Med [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];60(4). Available from: https://revmedicina.sld.cu/index.php/med/article/view/2399



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